Tag Archives: change

Thoughts about Education

16 Apr

Have you ever imagined a world with a totally different education system? How would that be?

We have talked about education in different modules, with different lecturers, in our MACE core module.Studying in a creative environment has taught me to approach things in a different way, applying innovation and divergent thinking for many purposes. What often happens in such contexts is that creativity can’t really be unleashed because of the constraints our education system has posed. What do I mean by that? How many time we don’t do or say something for the fear of being wrong? In this way creativity is negated.

Why do we have that fear? We are judged and marked since we are 3 and we are shaped in a way to be as much conform to others as possible. Yes, our education system, unfortunately, makes us conform.

As a matter of fact, education kills creativity. For this purpose I suggest you to watch, if you haven’t, a brilliant TED talk where Sir Ken Robinson, world-renowned education and creativity expert, makes an engaging and extremely moving claim for creating an education system that sustains (rather than undermines) creativity.

Take a few minutes and watch the talk here!

Another impressive video that I suggest you to watch is ‘Changing Education Paradigms’, an amazing animate adapted from a talk given at the RSA by Sir Ken Robinson.

Ready to get the picture?